High Court of Bihar, Patna
Personal Assistant / Stenographer vacancy in Patna High Court
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following naukri vacancy of Recruitment of Personal Assistant / Stenographer in Patna High Court (Advertisement No. 01/2017) :
Naukri Vacancy :
Personal Assistant (PA) / Stenographers : 100 posts, Pay Scale : ₹9300-34800 grade pay ₹ 9300, Age : 25-35 years as on 01/01/2017
Application Fee :
Candidates are required to pay ₹600/- (₹300/- for SC/ST candidates) to be paid online.
How to Apply :
Apply Online at Bihar High Court website from 29/03/2017 to 27/04/2017.
Details and application submission :
Please visit http://patnahighcourt.bih.nic.in/exam/pa/ for details and apply online.
Personal Assistant / Stenographer vacancy in Patna High Court
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following naukri vacancy of Recruitment of Personal Assistant / Stenographer in Patna High Court (Advertisement No. 01/2017) :
Naukri Vacancy :
Personal Assistant (PA) / Stenographers : 100 posts, Pay Scale : ₹9300-34800 grade pay ₹ 9300, Age : 25-35 years as on 01/01/2017
Application Fee :
Candidates are required to pay ₹600/- (₹300/- for SC/ST candidates) to be paid online.
How to Apply :
Apply Online at Bihar High Court website from 29/03/2017 to 27/04/2017.
Details and application submission :
Please visit http://patnahighcourt.bih.nic.in/exam/pa/ for details and apply online.
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