(A Govt, of Tripura Enterprise)
Advertisement for Recruitment in the post of General Manager (Finance) and Company Secretary
(A Govt, of Tripura Enterprise)
Advertisement for Recruitment in the post of General Manager (Finance) and Company Secretary
SI. No. 1. Advertisement No. :- TSECL/2016-17/02
Applications are invited tot the post of General Manager (Finance) Scale of pay: HAG ♦ Scale. ? 37400/- to ? 67000/-. Grade Pay - ? 8700/- No. of post: 01 (One) (UR - 01) Qualification: CA/ICW. Additional qualification like FC S / Associate Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India will be preferable Experience: Minimum 20 (Twenty) years'experience in budgeting corporate planning financial management, accounting, procurement and contracting, tariff formulation and regulatory matters, internal audit, works account with computer application and programming, implementation of computerization programme in financial 'accounting/store/personal management is desirable Age: Maximum 62 years on the date of application Relaxation of this limit may be considered in exceptional cases Type of Service: Contractual appointment for 3 (Three) years Either party can terminate the contract by giving 30 days' notice or paying 1 (One) month salary
Si. No. 2. Advertisement No. :-TSECL'2016-17'03
Applications are invited for the post of Company Secretary. Scale of pay: PB - 4. 715600/- to ? 39100/- Grade Pay- * 7600/-No. of post: 01 (OneJ(UR-Ol) Qualification: A graduate in any drscipline from a recognized University and an Associate Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India Must have a degree in law Experience: Minimum 10 (Ten) years' expenence with at least one year as head of the company affairs function in a fairly large organization Should have expenence in dealing with secretarial works related to company affairs and legal affairs Must have good communication and negotiations skills Age: Maximum 55 years on the date of application Relaxation of this limit may be considered in exceptional cases Type of Service: Regular service under Tripura state Electricity Corporation limited Either party can terminate the contract by giving 30 days' notice or paying 1 (One) month salary
How to apply: Eligible candidates may send their detailed bio data mentioning two references alongwith a recent passport size photograph and giving particulars of name, contact phone, e-mail ID. Age. Qualifications. Experience. Proof of Academic attainment addressed to the Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited, Etidyut Bhavan, North Banamalipur, Agartala. Tripura (West), Pin-799001 General: (i) Last Date of receipt of application is 31" March 2017 (n) Short listed candidates will be called for interview and no TA./O. A will be paid for the same (m) Selection will be based on interview only (Iv) Selection Committee reserves the right to relax any of the terms for selection and appointment (v) The envelope containing the application shall be super scribed for SI. No. 1 "Application for the post of General Manager (Finance)" and for SI. No. 2 "Application for the post of Company Secretary". Visit
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