
1.      On 11 February 2016 The LIGO Scientific Collaboration announced the detection of
A.    electromagnetic waves
B.    seismic waves
C.    gravitational waves
D.    radio waves

2.      The SI unit of charge is
A.    Ampere
B.    Coulomb
C.    Ohm
D.    Volt

3.    Very High Frequency (VHF) have      wavelengths.
A.    shorter
B.    shortest
C.    longer
D.    longest
4.    Long-sight defect could be corrected by using      lens.
A.    concave
B.    vonvex
C.    diverging
D.    none of these
5.    Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in
A.    night blindness
B.    rickets
C.    scurvy
D.    hair fall
6.    For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will
A.    also decrease
B.    increase
C.    remains constant
D.    none of these
7.    The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is      days.
A.    60
B.    120
C.    180
D.    240

8.      The density of water is
A.    1 g/cm3
B.    1.5 g/cm3

C.    2 g/cm3
D.    none of these
9.    Radioactivity was discovered by      .
A.    Kelvin
B.    Thomson
C.    Rutherford
D.    Bacquerel
10.    A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called
A.    motor
B.    generator
C.    moving-coil meter
D.    battery
11.    The Sun is a      .
A.    Star
B.    Planet
C.    Asteroid
D.    Meteor
12.    The average adult has a blood volume of about      liters.
A.    4
B.    5
C.    6
D.    7
13.    The most abundant element in the universe is      .
A.    Oxygen
B.    Hydrogen
C.    Carbon Dioxide
D.    Silicon

14. The most abundant element in the Earth's crust is
A.    Oxygen
B.    Hydrogen
C.    Carbon Dioxide
D.    Silicon

15. Each day human body breathe in      liters of air.
A.    5,000 to 10,000
B.    10,000 to 15,000
C.    15,000 to 20,000
D.    20,000 to 25,000
16. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in

A.    night blindness
B.    rickets
C.    scurvy
D.    hair fall

17.    The SI unit of "pressure" is
A.    pascal
B.    joule
C.    tesla
D.    henry
18.    The most densest substance on the Earth is      .
A.    Platinum
B.    Copper
C.    Steel
D.    Osmium
19.    A camera uses a      to form an image.
A.    convex lens
B.    concave lens
C.    condenser lens
D.    none of these
20.    Which from the following is NOT a conductor?
A.    Aluminium
B.    Silicon
C.    Graphite
D.    All are conductors
21.    CNG    stands for?
A.    Converted Natural Gas
B.    Conduced Natural Gas
C.    Conducted Natural Gas
D.    Compressed Natural Gas
22.    Which from the following is true for "Sound"?
A.    Sound cannot travel through a vaccum
B.    Sound cannot travel through gases
C.    Sound cannot travel through liquids
D.    Sound cannot travel through solids
23.    When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into      colours.
A.    5
B.    6
C.    7
D.    8

24. 1 nanometer = ?
A.    10-3 meter
B.    10-6 meter
C.    10-9 meter
D.    10-12  meter

25. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is
A.    Pyroscope
B.    Pyrometer
C.    Seismograph
D.    Xylometer

26. Sound waves are

A.    Transverse
B.    Electromagnetic
C.    Longitudinal
D.    none of these
27. The lifespan of White Blood Cells is
A.    1
B.    2
C.    3
D.    4


28. The fluid part of blood is known as
A.    plasma
B.    platelets
C.    blood cells

29. X-rays were discovered by
A.    Rontgen
B.    Thomson
C.    Rutherford
D.    Bacquerel

30.    The speed of light is
A.    280,000 km/s
B.    300,000 km/s
C.    320,000 km/s
D.    none of these
31.    During winter in cold countries, the
A.    Salt
B.    Chlorine
C.    Carbon dioxide

is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads.

D.     Water
32.    In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?
A.    River water
B.    Canal water
C.    Sea water
D.    Water in a lake
33.    The nearest planet to the Earth is      .
A.    Venus
B.    Mercury
C.    Mars
D.    Moon
34.    The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is?
A.    Jupiter
B.    Venus
C.    Mars
D.    Mercury
35.    In general, Comets have      orbits.
A.    Elliptical
B.    Highly elliptical
C.    Circular
D.    Parabolic
36.    GPS is an abbreviation for?
A.    Global Poles System
B.    Global PolySiliconium Store
C.    Global Positioning System
D.    Global Position Structure

37. Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the
A.    Gain of Electrons
B.    Loss of Electrons
C.    Gain of Protons
D.    Loss of Protons

38. At night, Plants intake      and release
A.    Oxygen – Carbon dioxide
B.    Carbon dioxide – Oxygen
C.    Oxygen – Carbon monoxide
D.    Carbon monoxide – Oxygen

39. Urine is produced in A.     Kidneys

B.    Lungs
C.    Large intestine
D.    Liver
40.    Blood is cleaned by
A.    Lungs
B.    Liver
C.    Heart
D.    Kidneys
41.    The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its      number.
A.    Electron
B.    Proton
C.    Neutron
D.    Positron
42.    The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium Chloride) in
     of sea water.
A.    1 gram
B.    10 grams
C.    1 kg
D.    10 kg
43.    The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is?
A.    Mercury
B.    Venus
C.    Mars
D.    Jupiter

44.    The Great Spot is on the planet
A.    Saturn
B.    Venus
C.    Mars
D.    Jupiter
45.    The Great Spot is a      .
A.    Mountain
B.    Desert
C.    Frozen Carbon dioxide
D.    Storm
46.    The bodyguard of the Earth is      that save the Earth from many Comets and
A.    Mars
B.    Saturn
C.    Uranus
D.    Jupiter

47. 1 light year = ?
A.    9.5x106  km
B.    9.5x109  km
C.    9.5x1012   km
D.    9.5x1018   km

48. The planets visible to us without using a telescope are
A.    3
B.    4
C.    5
D.    6

49. According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about
A.    10 – 20
B.    20 – 30
C.    30 – 40
D.    40 – 50

billion years ago.

50.    Biosensor is used to measure?
A.    Blood glucose level
B.    The body pH value
C.    Amount of hemoglobin
D.    Salinity in Urine
51.    Severe deficiency of Vitamin-D results in
A.    scurvy
B.    rickets
C.    night blindness
D.    osteomalacia

52.    People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a
A.    smaller number of Red Blood Cells
B.    larger number of Red Blood Cells
C.    smaller number of White Blood Cells
D.    larger number of White Blood Cells
53.    The average adult has a blood volume of about

A.    5
B.    5.5
C.    6
D.    6.5

54. The average internal temperature of human body is
A.    35 oC
B.    36 oC
C.    37 oC

D.     38 oC
55.    Vitamin      is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina.
A.    A
B.    C
C.    D
D.    B complex
56.    About      of the body weight of a mammal is water.
A.    60%
B.    65%
C.    70%
D.    75%
57.    On wound      fight foreign particles, like bacteria.
A.    White Blood cells
B.    Red Blood Cells
C.    Platelets
D.    Plasma
58.    Blood is carried towards the heart by      .
A.    Arteries
B.    Capillaries
C.    Veins
D.    none of these
59.      is essential for the formation of haemoglobin.
A.    Calcium
B.    Iron
C.    Water
D.    Carbohydrates
60.      are needed as a source of energy for the vital activities of the body.
A.    Calcium
B.    Iron
C.    Water
D.    Carbohydrates
61.    Haemodialysis means cleaning of
A.    urine
B.    blood
C.    glomerular filterate
D.    coelomic fluid
62.    Production of sweat and sebum is related with
A.    skin
B.    liver

C.    lungs
D.    GIT
63.    The evaporative cooling in the respiratory tract of dogs is called
A.    vasodilation
B.    vasoconstriction
C.    panting
D.    all of these
64.    Which of the following pathogen type cause disease that can be treated with antibiotics
A.    bacteria
B.    fungi
C.    virus
D.    none of these
65.    Most cell membranes are composed principally of
A.    DNA ad protein
B.    protein and lipids
C.    protein and chitin
D.    protein and RNA
66.    Normally, in the process of osmosis, the net flow of water molecules into or out of the cell
depends upon differences in the
A.    concentration of water molecules inside and outside the cell
B.    concentration of enzymes on either side of the cell membrane
C.    rate of molecular motion on either side of the cell membrane
D.    none of these
67.    Sodium ions are "pumped" from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher
concentration in the nerve cells of humans. This process is an example of
A.    diffusion
B.    passive transport
C.    osmosis
D.    active transport
68.    Proteins are made from amino acids by the process of
A.    hydrolysis
B.    pinocytosis
C.    dehydration synthesis
D.    active transport
69.    Which is an organic compound found in most cells
A.    water
B.    glucose
C.    oxygen
D.    sodium chloride

70.    Which are the four most abundant elements in living cells
A.    carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur
B.    carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen
C.    carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus
D.    carbon, sulfur, hydrogen, magnesium
71.    Starch is converted into maltose by
A.    diastase
B.    invertase
C.    maltase
D.    amylase
72.    Co-enzyme is often formed from
A.    lipid
B.    protein
C.    inorganic ion
D.    vitamin
73.    Messenger RNA is formed in
A.    nucleus
B.    chloroplast
C.    mitochondria
D.    none of these
74.    Number of chromosomes in E.coli
A.    4
B.    6
C.    3
D.    1
75.    Protein factory is
A.    nucleus
B.    ribosome
C.    golgi complex
D.    centriole
76.    Smallest disease causing agents in plants are
A.    virion
B.    mycoplasma
C.    viroids
D.    prions
77.    The major cell infected by the HIV is lymphocyte
A.    helper-T
B.    B
C.    both T and B

D.     none of these
78.    Pigment present in red algae is
A.    fucoxanthin
B.    phycocyanin
C.    phycoerythrin
D.    bilirubin
79.    Nutrition in fungi is
A.    photosynthetic
B.    chemosynthetic
C.    completely parasitic
D.    absorptive heterotrophs
80.    Fungi resemble plants because they lack
A.    cell wall
B.    cytoplasm
C.    centriole
D.    nucleus
81.    Which is a parasitic plant
A.    cuscuta
B.    rose
C.    ferns
D.    mosses
82.    True roots absent in
A.    ferns
B.    bryophytes
C.    gymnosperms
D.    angiosperms
83.    The mechanism for ATP synthesis is
A.    chemosynthesis
B.    photosynthesis
C.    phosphorylation
D.    chemiosmosis
84.    Enzyme present in the saliva is
A.    lipase
B.    trypsin
C.    ptyalin
D.    invertase
85.    Nitrogen is present in
A.    carbohydrates
B.    proteins

C.    lipids
D.    carbonates
86.    The food is ground in the cockroach in
A.    mesenteron
B.    crop
C.    gizzard
D.    intestine
87.    Operculum is present in
A.    bony fish
B.    sea fish
C.    cartilaginous fish
D.    none of these
88.    In which animal respiratory surface are found in more than one organ
A.    birds
B.    human
C.    fish
D.    frog
89.    The heart is enclosed in a membrane called
A.    pleura
B.    pericardium
C.    peritoneum
D.    epithelium
90.    From right ventricle blood is pushed into
A.    pulmonary trunk
B.    brain
C.    aorta
D.    body
91.    Which one is abundant in lymph
A.    oxygen
B.    lipids
C.    water
D.    proteins
92.    Jaws without teeth are found in found in
A.    birds
B.    reptiles
C.    fish
D.    none of these
93.    Male reproductive part of flower is
A.     stigma

B.    stamen
C.    carpel
D.    ovule
94.    Coordination in plants is by
A.    nervous system
B.    enzymes
C.    hormones
D.    roots
95.    The simplest fatty acid is
A.    palmitic acid
B.    butyric acid
C.    oleic acid
D.    acetic acid
96.    All enzymes are protein which are
A.    globular
B.    fibrous
C.    helical
D.    all of these
97.    Cilia are produced from
A.    mitochondria
B.    cell-membrane
C.    centriole
D.    cytoplasm
98.    Which of the following disease is not caused by virus
A.    T.B
B.    AIDS
C.    HIV
D.    flu
99.    Which of the following is a filamentous alga
A.    ulva
B.    chlorella
C.    acetabularia
D.    spirogyra
100.    Which of the following is not sac fungi
A.    truffles
B.    yeasts
C.    mushrooms
D.    morels

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