UG Floor, East Tower, NBCC Place. Bhtsham Pitamari Marg.
Pragab Vihar, LodN Road, New Delhi-110 003 Phone: 24369766-69, Fax: 24369770. Website: www.irfc.nic.jn
Indian Raitoay Finance Corporaton Limited invites applications for Die following posts The lasl date for completion of online registration is 24 02 2CI 7(18:00 Hrs).
Sr. No. Post Hoot Vacancies
1 Deputy General Manager (CS & Law) m the scale of 29.100-54,500?-. Qualification. Graduate plus Company Secretary plus Degree r Law with minimum of 55% marks with 9 years of post Qualification experience m Company Secretarial matters. UpperAgelimit:40years 1UR
1 Manager (Finance) in Ihe scale of 24900-50.KC,1-. Qualrficatm Graduate plus CACMA pass or ful time MBA/Posl Graduate Diploma in Business AdmnislrationVanagement of 2 years duration with specialization m Fnance with a minimum of 70% marks with 6 years of post qualification experience. Upper Age limit: 36 years 1UR
3 Assistant Manager (Finance) in the scale of 16.40040.500/-. OuaHication: Graduate phis CAiCMA pass or full time MBAPost Graduate Diploma in Busiiess Administration'Management o( 2 years duration with speciaization in Finance with a minimum ot 70% marks with2>«arsoIccstqualificationexcerierce UpperAgeLimit 30years 2UR
4 Assistant (Finance! in ;he scale c' 8.S>:C-19.aO(K Qualification Graduate phis CAQMA rtermediate with 6 years of experience Upper Age limiL 32 years for UR and 35 years for C6C. * JR 1-OBC
5 Junior Assistant (HRfAdmin) in the scale ol 6,550-15,150 QuafAcabon: Graduate plus one year post graduate diploma in HRiPMSIRwith5yearsof experience Upper Age limrt: 33 years 1-ST
For further details please visit our website under career section updates, fl any, will only be avaiaWe on the website of the Company.
UG Floor, East Tower, NBCC Place. Bhtsham Pitamari Marg.
Pragab Vihar, LodN Road, New Delhi-110 003 Phone: 24369766-69, Fax: 24369770. Website: www.irfc.nic.jn
Indian Raitoay Finance Corporaton Limited invites applications for Die following posts The lasl date for completion of online registration is 24 02 2CI 7(18:00 Hrs).
Sr. No. Post Hoot Vacancies
1 Deputy General Manager (CS & Law) m the scale of 29.100-54,500?-. Qualification. Graduate plus Company Secretary plus Degree r Law with minimum of 55% marks with 9 years of post Qualification experience m Company Secretarial matters. UpperAgelimit:40years 1UR
1 Manager (Finance) in Ihe scale of 24900-50.KC,1-. Qualrficatm Graduate plus CACMA pass or ful time MBA/Posl Graduate Diploma in Business AdmnislrationVanagement of 2 years duration with specialization m Fnance with a minimum of 70% marks with 6 years of post qualification experience. Upper Age limit: 36 years 1UR
3 Assistant Manager (Finance) in the scale of 16.40040.500/-. OuaHication: Graduate phis CAiCMA pass or full time MBAPost Graduate Diploma in Busiiess Administration'Management o( 2 years duration with speciaization in Finance with a minimum ot 70% marks with2>«arsoIccstqualificationexcerierce UpperAgeLimit 30years 2UR
4 Assistant (Finance! in ;he scale c' 8.S>:C-19.aO(K Qualification Graduate phis CAQMA rtermediate with 6 years of experience Upper Age limiL 32 years for UR and 35 years for C6C. * JR 1-OBC
5 Junior Assistant (HRfAdmin) in the scale ol 6,550-15,150 QuafAcabon: Graduate plus one year post graduate diploma in HRiPMSIRwith5yearsof experience Upper Age limrt: 33 years 1-ST
For further details please visit our website under career section updates, fl any, will only be avaiaWe on the website of the Company.
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