
Opportunities to Build World Class Health Research Institution
The Asian Development Research Institute (ADRi). Patna has 'ecefved a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), initially for a period of 4 years; this will be used to set up a Think Tank that will generate high quality analytics and evidence on health and nutrition and use this to inform policy and health systems design in the state of Bihar. To recruit staff for this Think Tank, ADRI invites application for the following four positions:
• Executive Director (One)        •Subject Experts (Three)
The Executive Director should be a person with a doctorate in public health/ economics/ management or a related field with proven research experience of at least 15 years and aptitude m health studies; further she/he should be able to coordinate the activities of the Think Tank, act as supervisor for the three experts. She/he will be responsible for liaising with the Government of Bihar on the one hand, and on the other, with the Board of Governors, the BMGF and other researchers in the field and to produce high quality research. The Executive Drector as a leader of this project will have overall responsibility of management and co-ordination of Think Tank. The compensation will be approx USD 83.000* per annum (equivalent to INR 55.00 lakh per annum at current rate of exchange).
The three Subject Experts should between them cover the entire gamut of areas covered by Health Policy. Experts from each of the areas of Health Financing/Health Economics, Health System Design/UHC (Universal Health Care), and Monitoring/Evaluation/Data Systems with proven research aptitude will comprise the core team of the Think Tank. It is also expected that each such expert should have at least 10 years' experience in the respective field of study/research. The length of experience may be waived by the Selection Committee for exceptional candidates. The compensation will be approx USD 55,000+ per annum (equivalent to INR 36.00 lakh per annum at current rate of exchange). For detailed information on responsibilities and qualifications of Executive Drector and Subject Experts, please visit our website
In all cases, proven research experience will be interpreted to mean publication in peer-reviewed international journals with high impact factor. All positions are based in Patna and would provide a challenging and satisfying opportunity for the right candidate. Compensation for the positions would be extremely competitive and commensurate with experience. The selected candidates are expected to join the Think Tank as soon as possible.
To signify interest in the positions, or to recommend a person for any of the positions, please send a detailed CV to : Administrator.            ADRI            at            e-mail            address-

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