Bank of Maharashtra
Zone Name- KOLKATA.
Address 3t N.S. ROAD,
1st FLOOR, KOLKATA-700001.
APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR APPOINTMENT OF DSAs FOR SELLING HOUSING LOANS From Registered Partnership and Propnelorship Finns. Public, Private Companies having minimum experience of working as DSA (or at least three years and empanelled with at east two Banks/Financial insbtutionstReputed Housing France Companies.Preference will be given lo builders and their associate firms Empanelmenl o' Ihe DSAs will be purely on temporary basts. For delated inlormalion regarding the criteria .download RFP and application form from our web site Eligible parties' entities may submil their applications in prescribed form along with relevant papers on or before 19/05/2016 in a sealed envelope super scribing as -APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT AS DSA FOR KOLKATA ZONE", on the abovementoned address.
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