Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)
15, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Patna-800001
Vacancies for Appointment to the Post of Dentist (Advt. No. 05/2015)
Basic health Department, Govt. of Bihar invites applications in the prescribed proforma up to 30/04/2015 for filling the vacancies for the Post of Dentists in the State of Bihar :
- Dentist : 558 posts, Age : 37 years, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 grade pay Rs. 5400/-
How to Apply : Apply in the prescribed format and send it on or before 30/04/2015 to Joint Secretary cum Controller of Examination, Bihar Public Service Commission, 15, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Belly Road, Patna - 800001 (Bihar) by Registered/ Speed post only.
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