Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110 068
Indira Gandhi National Open University, one of the Mega-University in the World, announces ADMISSIONS to its Distance Education Academic Programmes for the Academic Cycle commencing from January 2015.
MA (Philosophy), MA (Gandhi and Peace Studies), MA (Extension & Development Studies), MA (Education), MA (Anthropology), MA (Gender & Development Studies), Master of Social Work, Master of Social Work (Counseling), MA (Distance Education), MA (Economics), MA (English), MA (Hindi), MA (History), MA (Political Science), MA (Psychology), MA (Public Admin.), MA (Rural Development), MA (Sociology), MA (Tourism Management), MA(Translation Studies), Master of Commerce(M.Com.), Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS), MSc (Dietetics and Food Services Management), M.Sc. Mathematics with Applications in Computer Science.
Bachelor of Science (BSc) (with major in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany and Zoology), Bachelor of Arts (BA), (with major in Hindi, English, Urdu, Economics, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Administration, Political Science, Sociology), BA (Tourism Studies), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BUS), Bachelor of Social Work (BSW).
Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP) (This is a Bridge Course only for students taking admission in IGNOU programmes and who do not have 10+2 but are above 18 years of age, under NON-formal stream. BPP will not entitle students to claim qualifications equivalent to 10+2 in the FORMAL stream).
PG Diploma in Library Automation and Networking, Analytical Chemistry, Audio Programme Production, Criminal Justice, Disaster Management, Educational Management & Administration, Educational Technology, Environment and Sustainable Development, Extension & Development Studies, Folklore & Culture Studies, Gandhi & Peace Studies, Higher Education, Information Security, Intellectual Property Rights, International Business Operation, Journalism & Mass Communication, Pharmaceutical Sales Management, Pre Primary Education, Rural Development, School Leadership & Management, Social Work among Tribals, Translation, Urban Planning & Development, Hospital & Health Management, Geriatric Medicine, Applied Statistics.
Diploma in Aquaculture, BPO Finance & Accounting, Creative Writing in English, Early Childhood Care and Education, HIV and Family Education, Nutrition & Health Education, Panchayat Level Administration & Development, Paralegal Practice, Tourism Studies, Urdu, Women Empowerment & Development, Nursing Administration, Critical Care Nursing.
Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management, Information Security.
PG Certificate in Extension & Development Studies, Adult Education, Cyber Law, Patent Practice, Bangla-Hindi-Translation, Malayalam-Hindi-Translation, Agriculture Policy, Gandhi & Peace Studies, Geoinformatics, Information & Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually Impaired.
Certificate in Indigenous Art Practices, Visual Arts-Painting, Applied Arts, Performing Arts-Hindustani Music, Karnatak Music, Bharatanatyam, Theatre Arts, Arabic Language, Disaster Management, Environmental Studies, NGO Management, Business Skills, Teaching English, Functional English (basic level), Urdu Language, HIV & Family Education, Social work and Criminal Justice System, Health Care & Waste Management, Newborn & Infant Nursing, Home Based Health Care, Community Radio, Tourism Studies, Food & Nutrition, Nutrition & Child Care, Rural Development, Sericulture, Organic Farming, Water Harvesting & Management, Poultry Farming, Beekeeping, Human Rights, Consumer Protection, Co-operation, Cooperative Law & Business Law, Anti Human Trafficking, International Humanitarian Law, Information Technology, Guidance, Laboratory Techniques, Value Education, Communications IT Skills, Maternal & Child Health Nursing. Energy Technology Management, Competency in Power Distribution. Appreciation Course on Environment.
For details,visit IGNOU Website- or contact nearest IGNOU Regional Centre/Study Centre
Buy Prospectus from Regional Centre In person: Rs.200/-, or ask By post from the address given below by sending a DD of Rs.250/- in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi. It can be downloaded from the university website
REGISTRAR, Student Registration Division Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110 068
Last Date for Application : Is December 2014; with late fee of Rs. 300/ -: 15 December 2014
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