II nd Floor, Mulia Ramuji Sanskrili Bhawan, 8anganga Square, Bhopal-462003
AdvtNo. SUBI&O4/2014 l^tdateolformssubmission: 15.10.2014. A number ot faculty positions at the level ol Associate professor, assistant professor (selection grade), senior grade & junior grade), assistant director-sport and assistant Librarian are available in various Schools/Centers ol the University. Candidates with good academic record, teaching and research working experience in related areas from all over the world are encouraged to apply.
University also solicits applications trom candidates with research interests that are interdisciplinary. At present, the numbers of vacancies at each level are as under:
Post Code Post name - No. ol Post - Category (reserved/unreserved) Pay Scale
ASSP Associate professor-number ot post 07 (4 General. ISC.
1 ST. 1 OBC) (Pay Scale - 37400-67000*AGP 9000)
APSL Assistant professor (selection grade) - number of post - 2
(1 Gen. 1 ST) (Pay Scale - 15600-39100+AGP 8000)
ABSR Assistant professor (senior grade) - number of post -5
(3 Gen. 1 SC. 1 ST) (Pay Scale -1560O-3910O-AGP 7000)
HPJH Assistant professor (junior grade) - number of post -19
(10 Gen, 3 ST. 3 SC. 3 OBC) (Pay Scale 15600-39100. AGP 6000)
ASLB Assistant librarian - Number ol post 01 (General)
(Pay Scale -15600-39100+AGP 6000)
AOSP Assistant director-sport - Number of post 01 (General)
(Pay Scale • 15600-39100.AGP 6000)
For more details on Posts. Educational Qualifications. Experience etc.
please visit SUBIS website
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