Chanakya National Law University Campus,
Near Mithapur Bus Stand, Mithapur,
Panta-800 001
Appointment Notice No. 008/AKU-NS&NT/055/004/13 Date:-18-04-2013
Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for the following positions to be filled in a phased manner:
Part A (Teaching)
1. Professor : 01(UR)
2. Associate Professor : 02(01-UR,01-EBC)
3. Assistant Professor : 04(02-UR,01-EBC,01-SC) Part B (Non-Teaching)
1. Senior Technical Assistant : 01 UR
2. Technical Assistant : 02 (01-UR, 01-EBC)
3. Lab. Assistant : 03 (02-UR, 01-EBC)
4. Library Assistant : 01 (UR)
5. Store Keeper : 01 (UR)
6. Account Assistant : 01 (UR)
7. Clerk cum Computer Typist : 01 (UR)
8. Attendant/ Peon : 01 (UR)
Minimum Qualification and experience as prescribed by UGC regulation 2009 as
applicable in university norms. S Reservation, Relaxation in age, conditions of service, emoluments, age of
superannuation will be in accordance with University rules. S As far as scales of pay is concerned for new entrants under VI PRC, as per Gazette
Notification dated 30.08.2010 in the light of HRD resolution No.15/Mh-01/09 va’k -II mO
f kO -2693, dated 27th August 2010, adopted and henceforth will be known as Aryabhatta
Knowledge University scales of pay. S Those already employed should apply through proper channel with an advance copy.
S A Demand Draft of ^1000.00 should be in favour of “Registrar, Aryabhatta Knowledge University” payable at Patna but for SC/ST/and Persons with disability (PWD) or Physically Challenged (PH) candidates no fee is required.
S Completely filled up Application forms along with DD and one self-addressed and stamped envelope (25 cm X 12.5 cm size) to be sent to “The Registrar, Aryabhatta Knowledge University Patna” to the address mentioned above by speed post only.
S For detailed information please log on to university website: Last Date of Application: 3 weeks from date of advertisement
Section A
1. The qualification emoluments and conditions of service, including age of superannuation, shall be as prescribed by the University.
2. The prescribed essential qualifications and experience are the minimum as laid down in Section B.
3. The University at its discretion may restrict the number of candidates to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications/ experience higher than the minimum prescribed for the post.
4. The University, however, encourages candidates possessing higher qualifications and experience.
5. In case of recruitment to the different teaching, non-teaching positions, the university will conduct seminar/as per decision taken by the university presentation as a method for further short listing of candidates.
6. Those already employed should apply thorough a proper channel. However, they may submit an advance copy to meet the deadline set for receiving the application.
7. Canvassing in any form may lead to cancellation of candidature.
8. The University reserves the right to:
a) Offer a post at a level lower than that applied for, depending upon the qualifications, experience and performance of the candidate.
b) May consider “in absentia” candidature of those who may not have applied or who may have applied but are not able to appear for the interview.
c) Not to fill up any of the advertised posts, without assigning any reasons.
d) Reduce or increase the number of posts.
e) Decide criteria/ procedure for short listing of the candidates.
f) Relax minimum requirements of qualification and/or experience on the recommendation of the Screening/Selection Committee.
9. Separate application should be submitted for each post.
10. Experience and qualification will be reckoned as on last date of submission of application. Clear quality Photocopies of all important certificates must be attached with the application.
11. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview
12. Application fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
13. The university will not be responsible for postal delay in receipt of the application forms from the candidates.
14. i) Application received after the last date, (ii) incomplete in any respect and (iii) any fresh paper/ enclosures after closing date, shall not be considered unless considered otherwise by the selection committee.
15. Certificate in support of experience should be in the organization’s letter head, should bear the date of issue, specific period of work, name and designation of the issuing authority along with his signature.
16. The university shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time, at the time of interview or during the tenure of the service. In case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/ background and has suppressed the said information his services shall be terminated.
17. In case of any dispute/ ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final.
18. Candidates should send self-attested copies of certificates and mark-sheets from Xth std. onwards in support of their qualifications. Originals should not be sent along with the application but these must be produced at the time of interview or when called for.
19. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.
20. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview.
21. In case of any disputes/suites or legal proceedings against the University, the Jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Hon’ble High Court, Patna.
22. If D.D number filled in the Application Form at the time of filling application form is not found correct or does not match with the original demand draft number attached with the application form, then application may be rejected.
23. The prescribed application format is given in Section C which shall be used by the candidates which can be downloaded from the university website.
24. Application sent in any other format is liable to be rejected.
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