Applications along with attested copies of all Certificates, Marks - sheets, etc. are invited from intending candidates, who are Indian Citizens for engagement on contractual basis for three years for the following post under the Assam State Disaster Management Authority. The contract period could be extended beyond three years also, subject to suitability of applicants.
The applicants may have to appear for a written test/ interview for which no TA / DA shall be paid for the purpose. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
The applications along with testimonials should be submitted on or before 19,h October, 2013 to:
The Chief Executive Officer,
Assam State Disaster Management Authority,
Assam Secretariat Campus (Opp. SBI Sectt. Branch),
Dispur, Guwahati - 781006, Assam.
The name of the post applied for should be clearly indicated on top of the envelope containing the application. Candidates without the requisite qualificati on prescribed for the post need not apply.
Name of the Post Communication & Systems Advisor.
No. of post-1 No.
Essential Qualifications:
•   Master Degree in Computer Science or Electronics or Information Technology or Telecommunications from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent
•   Minimum 15 (Fifteen) years experience in handing communication network projects in Defence Forces or Central/State Police Organisations or Police Wireless and Communications or Telecommunications
•   In case of retired personnel, having a minimum of 15 years' experience in handling of communications network projects in Defence Forces / Central / State Police Wireless and Communication & Telecommunication Organisations / Public Sector Undertakings, the following relaxation is made;-
Minimum Bachelor's Degree in Science stream, subject to undergoing sufficient training / diploma or certificate courses during the service career relating to Electronics or Information Technology or Telecommunications.
Duties & Responsibilities:
The Communications & Systems Advisor will be posted at Guwahati to work with the State Disaster Management Authority as Head of the Communications Wing under the direct supervision of the CEO. His duties and responsibilities will include:
•   To serve as an Advisor to CEO in developing the direction of comunication activities at ASDMA to accomplish its mission, goals and strategic principles
•   To develop a failsafe communication strategy
•   To suggest required 'hardware' and 'software'
•   To liaise with different stakeholders for effective implementation of the communication plan
•   To carry out periodic review of the upgraded technologies in the market and its applicability to the system
•   To advise on developing an integrated system network of the districts/ Revenue Circles with the State HQ

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