Applications are invited for filling up the following posts in ITB
Police from Indian citizens. Last date for receipt of applications is 15/03/2013. Last date is 30/03/2013 for the candidates from far-flung areas. :
- Assistant Commandant (Engineer) : 10 posts (UR-6, SC-1,OBC-3), Age : 30 years. relaxation in age as per rules, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/-, Qualification : Degree in Civil Engineering.
Fee : All candidates
belonging to General & OBC category should furnish a crossed Indian
Postal Order or Bank Draft worth Rs. 50/- drawn in favour of Accounts
Officer, Directorate General ITBP, New Delhi. SC/ ST candidates are
exempted from application fee.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed forma and complete in all respect should reach The Senior Administrative Officer (Pers), Directorate General ITBP, MHA/ Govt. of India, Block-II, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110003 on or before the last date 15/03/2013 (Last date is 30/03/2013 for the candidates from far-flung areas) in a sealed envelope superscribed as "Application for the post of Assistant Commandant (Engineer) in ITBP 2012"
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed forma and complete in all respect should reach The Senior Administrative Officer (Pers), Directorate General ITBP, MHA/ Govt. of India, Block-II, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110003 on or before the last date 15/03/2013 (Last date is 30/03/2013 for the candidates from far-flung areas) in a sealed envelope superscribed as "Application for the post of Assistant Commandant (Engineer) in ITBP 2012"
For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection
process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with
application form and Application Form, please view eKiosk/writeReadData/RectAd/ Advertisement%20for%20Asstt% 20comdt%20engr.pdf
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