JSSC P.T. Exam 30th Sept 2012 & Download New Admit Card


This Post Re-Updated on 16-09-2012
JSSC P.T. Exam 30th Sept 2012 & Admit Card

Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission(JSSC) has announced that the preliminary test for staff selection commission (JSSC) examination will be held on 30th Sept 2012. The examination will be conducted in Jharkhand for the first time since its formation.

Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission to issue fresh admit cards online 

The last-minute decision of the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) to issue fresh admit cards for the September 29 test has left many aspirants fuming. The decision was taken in the wake of a number complaints about incorrect information in the admit cards issued by the commission.

JSSC chairperson C R Sahay said, "Many applicants have been complaining that after roll number generation, the students of a group were allotted seats in the same area. Though there was no technical problem as such, we have cancelled the previous admit cards keeping in view the public sentiments." The commission has to recruit 1,300 employees through the test.

"New admit cards will be uploaded on the internet on September 20. All the admit cards issued till date will be considered invalid and the applicants will have to get the new admit cards online," he said. In most of cases the students have been given the same centre as last time. "We have made this arrangement so that if people have already booked a ticket to go to their respective centres on the day of examination, they will not have to cancel them."

Admit Card will be available on and after 20th September 2012.

सभी अभ्यर्थियों को सूचित किया जाता है कि संयुक्त सचिवालय सेवाएं प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा-2012(PT) के लिये भेजे हुए प्रवेष पत्र (ADMIT CARD) में Logical Error के कारण त्रुटि पायी गयी है। अतः पूर्व के भेजे गये सभी प्रवेष पत्र (ADMIT CARD) रद्द किये जाते हैं। समयाभाव के कारण सभी अभ्यर्थियों के लिये नया प्रवेष पत्र(NEW ADMIT CARD) आयोग के website- www.jssc.in पर दिनांक-20.09.2012 से उपलब्ध रहेगा। संयुक्त सचिवालय सेवाएं प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा- 2012(PT) में सम्मिलित होने के लिये website से download किये हुए नये प्रवेष पत्र (New Admit Card) ही परीक्षा में प्रवेष के लिए मान्य होगा। सभी अभ्यर्थी अपना नया प्रवेष पत्र दिनांक 20.09.2012 से Download कर लेंगे। अलग से डाक द्वारा नया प्रवेष पत्र नही भेजा जायेगा। परीक्षा से संबंधित सूचनाएँ आयोग के website पर भी देखा जा सकता है।

Visit http://www.jssc.in/New-AdmitCard.pdf


Download Admit Card Visit

Important Date:

  • Examination Date — ———————————————-30th Sept 2012
  • Download Admit Card——————————————- 20/09/2012
  • Last Date for Rectification of Mistake Application—– 17th August 2012


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